project_to_pcs() projects archetypes (arc_data) and data points (arc_data) to PC space. Archetypes are projected into PC space of data, e.i. archetypes do not affect PCA and are just projected afterwards.

project_from_pc() projects archetypes and data points to original space provided SVD decomposition results. Optionally do the reverse of log2 transformation to obtain normalised expression space.

project_to_pcs(arc_data = NULL, data, n_dim = nrow(data), s = NULL,
  pc_method = c("svd", "irlba"), log2 = FALSE, offset = 1,
  zscore = FALSE)

project_from_pc(arc_data, s, undo_zscore = FALSE, undo_log2 = FALSE,
  offset = 1)



objects of class "pch_fit", "b_pch_fit" storing the position of archetypes and other data produced by fit_pch(). arc_data$XC is matrix of dim(dimensions, archetypes) or list where each element is XC matrix from an independent run of the archetypal analysis.


matrix of data used in archetypal analysis, dim(variables/dimentions, examples)


number of principal component dimensions


list 's' containing SVD decomposition results (U, d, Vt), standard deviation and mean of genes used for decomposition (sd, means)


method to use for finding PCs: svd or irlba


log2-transform before to z-scoring and PC-projection


log2 transformation offset (e.g. log2(x + offset))


standardise (substract the mean and divide by standard deviation) prior to PC-projection


undo z-scoring by multiplying by standard deviation and adding the mean? Undo z-scoring precedes exponentiation.


undo log2-transformation by exponentiating and substracting pseudocount?


project_to_pcs(): list with projected $data, archetypes ($arc_data) and $s list of decomposition matrices, sds and means

project_from_pc(): archetypes projected to data space


# Random data that fits into the triangle set.seed(4355) arc_data = generate_arc(arc_coord = list(c(5, 0), c(-10, 15), c(-30, -20)), mean = 0, sd = 1) data = generate_data(arc_data$XC, N_examples = 1e4, jiiter = 0.04, size = 0.9) # Plot plot_arc(arc_data = arc_data, data = data, which_dimensions = 1:2, data_alpha = 0.5) + ggplot2::theme_bw()
# Project to PCs (in this case just rotate to align x-axis with # the axis of most variation because the data is already 2D) pcs = project_to_pcs(arc_data, data, n_dim = 2, pc_method = c("svd", "irlba")[1]) # Plot in PC coordinates plot_arc(arc_data = pcs$arc_data, data = pcs$data, which_dimensions = 1:2, data_alpha = 0.5) + ggplot2::theme_bw()
# Project from PCs back to expression projected = project_from_pc(pcs$arc_data, pcs$s, undo_zscore = FALSE, undo_log2 = FALSE) # Plot plot in projected coordinates plot_arc(arc_data = projected, data = data, which_dimensions = 1:2, data_alpha = 0.5) + ggplot2::theme_bw()