plot_arc() plot data with polytope representing the Pareto front, where vertices are archetypes (dots connected with lines). When archetype data is "b_pch_fit" all archetype locations from each subsample are shown with lines connecting the average location (type "average"); or lines connecting archetypes in each of the experiments (colored differently, type "all").

arch_to_tsne() Project archetype positions to tSNE coordinates (2D or 3D) using Rtsne.

arch_to_umap() Project archetype positions to UMAP coordinates using umap.

plot_arc(arc_data = NULL, data, which_dimensions = as.integer(1:2),
  type = c("average", "all")[1], average_func = mean,
  geom = list(ggplot2::geom_point, ggplot2::geom_bin2d)[[1]],
  colors = c("#1F77B4", "#D62728", "#2CA02C", "#17BED0", "#006400",
  "#FF7E0F"), arch_size = NULL, arch_alpha = 0.4, data_size = 4,
  data_alpha = 1, line_size = NULL, data_lab = "data",
  arc_lab = "archetypes", arc_names_num = TRUE, legend_name = "data",
  text_size = NULL, nudge = c(0.05, 0.1))

arch_to_tsne(arc_data, data, which_dimensions = 1:2, pca = FALSE,
  partial_pca = FALSE, ...)

arch_to_umap(arc_data, data, which_dimensions = 1:2,
  method = c("naive", "umap-learn")[1], n_neighbors = 30L,
  min_dist = 0.3, metric = ifelse(method[1] == "umap-learn",
  "correlation", "euclidean"), ...)



objects of class "pch_fit", "b_pch_fit", "k_pch_fit" storing the position of archetypes, and other data from fit_pch() run. arc_data$XC is matrix of dim(dimensions, archetypes) or list where each element is XC matrix from an independent run of the archetypal analysis. Set to NULL if you want to show data alone.


matrix of data in which archetypes/polytope were found, dim(variables/dimentions, examples)


indices or character vector specifying dimension names. 2D plot, 3D plot or a panel for 2D plots when more than 3 dimensions. For arch_to_tsne() use 1:2 or 1:3. When which_dimensions exceeds the number of dimensions in arc_data these archetypes will be omitted. This can happen when fitting simplexes: lines and triangles are only 2D, so will be omitted from 3D plots.


used when arc_data is "b_pch_fit", one of "average", "all"


used when arc_data is "b_pch_fit", function telling how to find average position of vertices


plotting function to plot data in 2D, useful options are ggplot2::geom_point (scatterplot) and ggplot2::geom_bin2d (density)


character vector giving color palette for different archetype fits and the data (both 3D and 2D plot)


size of archetype points


opacity of archetype points


size of data points in plotly. Values for ggplot are 1/2 of data_size.


opacity of data points


width of lines connecting archetypes


vector, 1L or length of data, label data points (examples) with a qualitative or quantitative label


vector, 1L or nrow(arc_data$XC)/noc, label vertices/archetypes (points) with a categorical. Only used when looking at a single fit (pch_fit).


logical, when archetypes are named, use numbers (default, TRUE), or names (FALSE, produces cluttered plot)?


name to display on legend, e.g. gene name in data_lab


archetype label text size


perform PCA? Argument to Rtsne.


perform partial PCA? Argument to Rtsne.


additional arguments to Rtsne and umap.


Method for finding UMAP representation. Available methods are 'naive' (an implementation written in pure R) and 'umap-learn' (requires python package 'umap-learn'). See umap for details.


sensible default for umap, pass other parameters via ...


sensible default for umap


sensible default for umap


plot_arc() ggplot2 (2D) or plotly (3D) plot

arch_to_tsne() list with: arc_data containing archetype positions in tSNE coordinates, and data positions in tSNE coordinates

arch_to_umap() list with: arc_data containing archetype positions in UMAP coordinates, data positions in UMAP coordinates, and umap_config parameters used to find this representation.

See also


library(ParetoTI) library(ggplot2) # Random data that fits into the triangle (2D) set.seed(4355) archetypes = generate_arc(arc_coord = list(c(5, 0), c(-10, 15), c(-30, -20)), mean = 0, sd = 1) data = generate_data(archetypes$XC, N_examples = 1e4, jiiter = 0.04, size = 0.9) plot_arc(arc_data = archetypes, data = data, which_dimensions = 1:2) + theme_bw()
# Plot data as 2D density rather than points plot_arc(arc_data = archetypes, data = data, which_dimensions = 1:2, geom = ggplot2::geom_bin2d)
# Random data that fits into the triangle (3D) set.seed(4355) archetypes = generate_arc(arc_coord = list(c(5, 0, 4), c(-10, 15, 0), c(-30, -20, -5)), mean = 0, sd = 1) data = generate_data(archetypes$XC, N_examples = 1e4, jiiter = 0.04, size = 0.9) plot_arc(arc_data = archetypes, data = data, which_dimensions = 1:3)
#> No trace type specified: #> Based on info supplied, a 'scatter3d' trace seems appropriate. #> Read more about this trace type ->
#> A marker object has been specified, but markers is not in the mode #> Adding markers to the mode...
# Project to tSNE coordinates (from 3D to 2D) arc_tsne = arch_to_tsne(archetypes, data, which_dimensions = 1:2) plot_arc(arc_data = arc_tsne$arc_data, data = arc_tsne$data, which_dimensions = 1:2) + theme_bw()
# Project to UMAP representation arc_umap = arch_to_umap(archetypes, data, which_dimensions = 1:2, method = c("naive", # implemented in R and slow "umap-learn")) # requires python module
#> Error in loadNamespace(name): there is no package called ‘umap’
plot_arc(arc_data = arc_umap$arc_data, data = arc_umap$data, which_dimensions = 1:2) + theme_bw()
#> Error in is(arc_data, "pch_fit"): object 'arc_umap' not found