plot_arc_var() shows variance in positions (total_var), t-ratios, SSE and variance explained (cumulative - varexpl, each vertex - res_varexpl) by polytope models with different number of vertices (k)

plot_arc_var(arc_data, type = c("varexpl", "SSE", "res_varexpl",
  "total_var", "t_ratio", "dim")[1], point_size = 2, line_size = 1.5,
  reorder = FALSE)



object of class "k_pch_fit", storing the position of vertices of best fit polytopes with different k, and other data from fit_pch() run. arc_data$XC is a list where each element is XC matrix of dim(dimensions, archetypes) storing positions of vertices with different k.


which measure to plot as a function of k, one of "varexpl", "SSE", "res_varexpl", "total_var", "t_ratio, "dim". Use dim to plot variance in position in each dimension.


width of lines connecting archetypes


reorder dimensions based on variance in position (type = "dim).


size of archetype point


plot_arc_var() ggplot2 (2D) plot

See also


library(ParetoTI) library(ggplot2) # Random data that fits into the triangle (2D) set.seed(4355) archetypes = generate_arc(arc_coord = list(c(5, 0), c(-10, 15), c(-30, -20)), mean = 0, sd = 1, N_dim = 2)
#> Error in generate_arc(arc_coord = list(c(5, 0), c(-10, 15), c(-30, -20)), mean = 0, sd = 1, N_dim = 2): unused argument (N_dim = 2)
data = generate_data(archetypes$XC, N_examples = 1e4, jiiter = 0.04, size = 0.9) arc_data = k_fit_pch(data, ks = 1:4, check_installed = T, delta=0.1, order_by_side = F)
#> Error in fit_pch(data = data[data_dim, ], noc = k, ..., check_installed = FALSE, var_in_dims = var_in_dims, normalise_var = normalise_var): unused argument (order_by_side = F)
# Show polytopes and the data plot_arc(arc_data = arc_data, data = data, which_dimensions = 1:2, type = "all", arch_size = 2, colors = c("#D62728", "#1F77B4", "#2CA02C", "#17BED0", "grey")) + theme_bw()
#> Error in is(arc_data, "pch_fit"): object 'arc_data' not found
# Show variance explained by a polytope with each k plot_arc_var(arc_data, type = c("varexpl", "SSE", "res_varexpl")[1], point_size = 2, line_size = 1.5) + theme_bw()
#> Error in is(arc_data, "k_pch_fit"): object 'arc_data' not found