Find similarity structure between archetypes by comparing archetype weights for cells, measuring similarity of archetypes in expression space and in marker gene. genesXarch option shows

plot_arch_struct(arc, type = c("cells", "space", "marker_genes",
  "genesXarch")[1], dist_fun = function(x) dist(x, method = "euclidean"),
  marker_genes = NULL, marker_genes_mean = F,
  marker_genes_mean_col = "mean_diff")



object containing archetypal analysis results (class "pch_fit")


one of c("cells", "space", "marker_genes", "genesXarch"). "cells": distances are computed over archetype weights of cells (S matrix). "space": measures distances between archetypes in space, PCs or gene expression, depending on which space was used to find archetypes (XC matrix). "marker_genes": distance is computed base on lists marker genes. "genesXarch": show both archetypes and dimensions, both clustered with hierarchical clustering. When marker_genes is provided "genesXarch" shows marker gene membership across archetypes rather than expression values of those genes (PCs) at archetypes.


function use to compute distance, should take one argument and compute distances between rows.


filtered data.table containing markers for each archetype, normally the output of get_top_decreasing stored in $enriched_genes. When type = "genesXarch" dimensions are filtered using gene names supplied in marker_genes.


show the strength of marker gene association with archetypes? (mean_diff in the output of get_top_decreasing stored in $enriched_genes). By default is FALSE - show only marker gene membership (0/1).


which column in marker_genes stores the strength of marker gene association with archetypes?


Matrix of the same dimention as the original matrix but with values in each column permuted.