map_gene_annot() Maps gene annotations using OrgDb databases from AnnotationHub. Most useful for mapping gene identifiers. This function can pick one mapped annotation for each key.
map_gene_annot(taxonomy_id = 9606, keys = "TP53", columns = c("ENSEMBL"), keytype = "SYMBOL", pick_one = TRUE, localHub = FALSE, return_org_db = FALSE, ann_hub_cache = AnnotationHub::getAnnotationHubOption("CACHE"))
taxonomy_id | Taxonomy id of your species. 9606 is human, 10090 is mouse. Find your species id using taxonomy search by UniProt: |
keys | gene or protein identifiers of |
columns | columns to retrieve. Details: colsAndKeytypes. |
keytype | type of |
pick_one | pick one mapped annotation (from columns) for each key. Works only with one column. |
localHub | set localHub = FALSE for working offline. Details AnnotationHub. |
return_org_db | return OrgDb database link instead of gene annotations. |
ann_hub_cache | If needed, set location of local AnnotationHub cache to specific directory by providing it here. To view where cache is currently located use getAnnotationHubOption("CACHE") |
data.frame containing mapped identifiers