functions that are called inside permutationPval

extract and match attribute column names to data.tables that contain nodes which those attributes describe


formula2colnames(node_attr, cols, nodes)

node_attr2colnames(node_attr, cols, nodes)

formula2nodes(interactions2permute, associations2test)

checkSelectNodes(select_nodes, node_attr, nodes, cols)

checkSelectNodesList(select_nodes, node_attr, nodes, cols)

filterByFormula(data_list, select_nodes, cols, nodes)

filterByList(data_list, select_nodes, cols, nodes)

calcObservedStatistic(data_list, by_cols, exprs, nodes, nodes_call,

calcPermutedStatistic(data_list, by_cols, exprs, nodes, nodes_call,
  includeAssociations, also_permuteYZ)

observedVSpermuted(data_list, nodes_call, nodes)

aggregatePermutations(temp, nodes, nodes_call)



list of column names


list of node names (column names for columns that contain node names)


list that contains data.tables necessary for these functions to work


modified left-hand side of statistic (permutationPval), class call


right-hand side of statistic (permutationPval), class call, exprs is evaluated by by_cols; in data.table synthax: DT[, statistic := eval(exprs), by = .(eval(by_cols))]


list of node names, each class call (to be evaluated within data.table expressions DT[,eval(nodes_call$nodeX)])


logical, if calculating statistic requires columns that contain attribute of X-Z pair associations table will be merged




An object of class NULL of length 0.


formula2colnames returns list of column names for XY, YZ and association tables

node_attr2colnames returns the same as formula2colnames but when node_attr2colnames is a list of formulas

formula2nodes returns list of 3 node column names extracted from formulas supplied through interactions2permute, associations2test

checkSelectNodes returns a formula or a list of formulas if they have passed the check - error if otherwise

checkSelectNodesList returns a list of formulas (even of lenght 1) if they have passed the check - error if otherwise

filterByFormula returns data_list in which interactionsXY, interactionsYZ, associations data.table-s were filtered by formula

filterByList returns data_list in which interactionsXY, interactionsYZ, associations data.table-s were filtered by each formula if select_nodes was a list

calcObservedStatistic returns data_list

calcPermutedStatistic returns data_list

observedVSpermuted returns data.table contatining the following columns: "higher_counts", "not_missing", nodeX names, nodeZ names

aggregatePermutations returns the data.table of the same format as observedVSpermuted


formula2colnames extracts nodes, extracts attributes, attaches attributes to a table if all nodes are present in that table and in case of associations table both varibles in a formula should be nodeX and nodeZ

formula2nodes reorders node column names so that regardless of their order in formula we later permute XY interactions and test for XZ associations

checkSelectNodes checks if you want to select nodes based on the attributes of those nodes + splits a formula which selects a combination of nodes based on their shared properties (like count of X and Z pairs) into a list of formulas each selecting separate nodes

checkSelectNodesList calls checkSelectNodes for each element in a list (or formula) select_nodes and each element in a list (or formula) node_attr. If select_nodes or node_attr is a formula then it is converted to a list of 1L

filterByFormula filters one or 2 of the XY, YZ or association tables based on a condition defining which nodes to keep (only one node type: X, Y or Z)

filterByList filters one or 2 of the XY, YZ or association tables based on a condition defining which nodes to keep (only one node type: X, Y or Z), takes a list of formulas or a formula as an argument

calcObservedStatistic calculates Observed Statistic by evaluating exprs by by_cols, also calculates how many nodes Y are missing node Z for each node X, saves result to data_list$observed. includeAssociations specifies if exprs required any attributes of both X and Z.

calcPermutedStatistic calculates Permuted Statistic by permuting node Y column in XY (and, optionally in YZ, if also_permuteYZ is true) and calculating statistic by evaluating exprs by by_cols, unlike calcObservedStatistic doesn't calculate how many nodes Y are missing node Z for each node X. Saves result to data_list$permuted.

observedVSpermuted compares Observed Statistic to Permuted Statistic, records how many times permuted statistic is at least as large as the observed statistic (higher_counts) and how many of X-Z pairs have non-NA Observed Statistic or Permuted Statistic (not_missing). In each permutation round, node X might have many nodes Z, so when calculating empirical p-value all these comparisons should be counted (not just the number of permutations). On the other hand, not in all permutation rounds a specific observed XZ pair might occur, so we need to cound non-NA "Observed Statistic to Permuted Statistic" comparisons

aggregatePermutations aggregates the result of observedVSpermuted from many permutation rounds (output of replicate, class matrix)


cols = formula2colnames(node_attr, cols, nodes)
# }# NOT RUN {
cols = node_attr2colnames(node_attr, cols, nodes)
# }# NOT RUN {
nodes = formula2nodes(interactions2permute, associations2test)
# }# NOT RUN {
select_nodes = checkSelectNodes(select_nodes, node_attr, nodes, cols)
# }# NOT RUN {
select_nodes = checkSelectNodesList(select_nodes, node_attr, nodes, cols)
# }# NOT RUN {
data_list = filterByFormula(data_list, select_nodes, cols, nodes)
# }# NOT RUN {
data_list = filterByList(data_list, select_nodes, cols, nodes)
# }# NOT RUN {
data_list = calcObservedStatistic(data_list, by_cols, exprs, nodes, nodes_call, includeAssociations)
# }# NOT RUN {
data_list = calcPermutedStatistic(data_list, by_cols, exprs, nodes, nodes_call, includeAssociations, also_permuteYZ)
# }# NOT RUN {
data_list_temp = MItools:::observedVSpermuted(data_list, nodes_call, nodes)
# }# NOT RUN {
temp2_inner = MItools:::aggregatePermutations(temp_inner, nodes, nodes_call)
# }