The package wraps around biomaRt package to provide a fast way of ortholog mapping.
BiocManager::install(c("vitkl/orthologsBioMART"), dependencies=T)
Mapping between any species:
findOrthologs = function(datasets_FROM_TO = loadBIOMARTdatasets(from = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
to = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl"),
from_filters = "hgnc_symbol", # type of input identifier
from_values = c("TP53", "TERT"), # gene identifiers to map
to_attributes = "external_gene_name", # type of output identifier
# column in the input database that maps to ENSEMBL id of the output database:
to_homolog_attribute = "mmusculus_homolog_ensembl_gene",
# column with ENSEMBL gene id in the input database:
from_gene_id_name = "human_ensembl_gene_id",
# column with ENSEMBL gene id in the output database:
to_gene_id_name = "mouse_ensembl_gene_id")
Mapping human to mouse and mouse to human:
findOrthologsHsMm(from_filters = "hgnc_symbol",
from_values = c("TP53","TERT"),
to_attributes = "external_gene_name")
findOrthologsMmHs(from_filters = "ensembl_gene_id",
from_values = c("ENSMUSG00000059552", "ENSMUSG00000021611"),
to_attributes = "hgnc_symbol")
To find the correct to_homolog_attribute
between species use:
attr = attributesFiltersFromTo(datasets_FROM_TO = loadBIOMARTdatasets())
# examine attr
# find the desired column name
attr$from_attributes[grep("Mouse gene stable ID", attr, = T),]
Mapping between any species:
# find correct dataset name for your species
from pybiomart import Server
server = Server(host='')
from import FindOrthologs
# then create the find orthogues object using correct datasets and attributes
# use help(FindOrthologs)
hs2mm = FindOrthologs(
host = '',
from_dataset = 'hsapiens_gene_ensembl',
to_dataset = 'mmusculus_gene_ensembl',
from_filters = 'hgnc_symbol',
from_values = ['TP53', 'TERT'],
to_attributes = 'external_gene_name',
to_homolog_attribute = 'mmusculus_homolog_ensembl_gene',
from_gene_id_name = 'human_ensembl_gene_id',
to_gene_id_name = 'mouse_ensembl_gene_id'
Mapping mouse to human and vice-versa:
findOrthologsMmHs(from_filters = 'link_ensembl_gene_id',
from_values = ['ENSMUSG00000059552', 'ENSMUSG00000021611']).map()
findOrthologsMmHs(from_filters = 'external_gene_name',
from_values = ['Trp53', 'Tert']).map()
findOrthologsHsMm(from_filters = 'link_ensembl_gene_id',
from_values = ['ENSG00000141510', 'ENSG00000164362']).map()
findOrthologsHsMm(from_filters = 'hgnc_symbol',
from_values = ['TP53', 'TERT']).map()